Friday, 19 December 2014

COCOA Application Environment

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                                                         Cocoa is an application environment for both the Mac OS X operating system and iPhone OS, the operating system used on multi-touch devices such as iPhone and iPod touch. It consists of a suite of object-oriented software libraries, a runtime, and an integrated development environment
                                        Features of Cocoa are integrated environment,create rich GUI apps at a snap,imemory management,can be used for any other apps,float along with the operating system,,re-usability of computers,even support drag and drop of component ,user interface objects,drawing and imaging,system intraction, dataexchange and document based application etc.
               The Cocoa Environment
         Cocoa is a set of object-oriented frameworks that provides a runtime environment for applications running on Mac OS X and iPhone OS. Cocoa  is also part of a development environment that helps you efficiently bring these applications from design stage to deployment. Cocoa is the preeminent application environment for Mac OS X and the only application environment for iPhone OS.Most of the applications you see on Mac OS X and iPhone OS, including Mail and Safari, are Cocoa applications. An integrated development environment called Xcode supports application development for both platforms. The combination of this development environment and Cocoa makes it easy to create a well-factored, full-featured application.


[1] Apple's Cocoa documentation (

[2] iDevApps - Cocoa Programming Forum (

[4] Aaron Hillegass: Cocoa Programming for Mac OS X, Addison-Wesley, 3rd Edition 2008,   Paperback, ISBN 0-321-50361-9.

[5] Xcode Documentation, Mac OS X 10.5.7


Integrated Environment

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